Visual Basic Sample Code For Addition

C Sample code Linear Search Algorithm Linear search is method for searching a value within an array. It 'sequentially' checks one by one of the arrays for the 'target element' until 'match is found' or until all the elements have Largest Rectangular Area in a Histogram Get minimum of two numbers in hist. Get the 'middle index' from corner. Visual Basic Exponentiation. Exponentiation involves raising a number to a particular power. For example 10 3 would evaluate to 1000. The carat (^) character is used to represent exponentiation in Visual Basic: Dim intValue As Integer intValue = 10 ^ 3 Visual Basic Modulus Arithmetic.

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  4. Visual Basic Sample Code For Addition &
< Visual Basic .NET

Arithmetic operators[edit]

Visual Basic .NET provides a basic set of operators to calculate simple arithmetic.

Let's look at a short example of arithmetic operations before we jump into the operators themselves.

In this example we will also be using some basic variables. The Dim operator creates the variable.

First, we set the total sales to 3142.51.

The * operator calculates multiplication, so the last line is equivalent to Commission=0.3Sales{displaystyle Commission=0.3*Sales}. This means that our second step is multiplying 0.3 and Sales. Sales is 3142.51, so our result should be the product of 0.3 and 3142.51.

Why the funny symbols?[edit]

With the exception of addition and subtraction, the symbols used are different to the ones used in real life. This is simply because the other symbols are not available on a standard keyboard.

A good reference for the operators in Visual Basic .NET is Windows's built-in Calculator. If you set Calculator on scientific mode, you have access to the same operators as in .NET.


This adds two numbers together, and is denoted by the '+' symbol. If strings are involved it may also do String concatenation. Examples:

By using funny symbol it will become easy to parse during execution. mostly that is the reason why they have used.

There is a second addition operator, '+='. It increments the variable on the left of the += by the amount indicated on the right.

It also works with Strings as a concatenation operator.


This subtracts two numbers, and is denoted by the '-' symbol. Examples:

Beware when subtracting an integer from a double. The above code, when printed, will result in an answer of .04499999999999999 instead of the obvious answer of .045. Using doubles to store decimal values can be highly inaccurate.


This multiplies two numbers, and is denoted by the '*' symbol. Examples:


There are more types of division than the one denoted by the '/' symbol. There is also integer division and remainder division.

This is the most commonly used form of division and is denoted by the '/' operator. Examples:
Integer division
This divides two numbers, and gives the result without the remainder if the quotient is a decimal. Examples:
Remainder Division
This divides two numbers, and gives the result's remainder if the quotient is a decimal. This is denoted by the operator 'Mod.' Examples:


This is raising a number to a power. For example 72{displaystyle 7^{2}} in VB .Net code is:

This results in the number 49 being assigned to the variable x. It can also be used to calculate the square root of a number. The square root of a number is the number raised to the power of 0.5.

Visual Basic 2010 Code Samples

Note: It is necessary to ensure that the variables be correctly declared to get the desired results. The following example works, but will produce the wrong result. This is because the Integer class does not allow decimal places (just like mathematical integers).

Since x is declared as an Integer type, the value square root, a real number, is stored incorrectly.

Any nth root of number is the can be calculated by raising the number to the power of 1/n{displaystyle 1/n}:

This is because x1n=xn{displaystyle x^{frac {1}{n}}={sqrt[{n}]{x}}}.


  • Round(): round to the nearest integer.
  • Floor(): round to inferior.
  • Ceiling(): round to superior.
  • Truncate(): truncate the decimal digits.


  • Max()
  • Min()
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How to add, subtract, multiply and divide 2 different numbers from 2 different form. Pls help me. The code i think is way too simple example: (Result.text = result) (Text1.text = number from form2)(Text2,text = Number from form3). the code i think is like this and this one is not working:

Public Sub Command1_Clicked()
Result.text = Val(Text1.Text) + Val(Text2.text)
End Sub

Pls help me... i cant sleep because of this problem.

Sample Visual Basic Program Code

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  • 7 Years Discussion Span
  • commentLatest PostLatest Postby Reverend Jim

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How to add, subtract, multiply and divide 2 different numbers from 2 different form. Pls help me. The code i think is way too simple example: (Result.text = result) (Text1.text = number from form2)(Text2,text = Number from form3). the code i think is like this and this one is …

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There is no error in the code, For future reference please read the Daniweb Posting Rules. Particularly the part about hijacking old threds.

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WaltP2,905Posting Sage w/ dash of thyme Team Colleague

How to add, subtract, multiply and divide 2 different numbers from 2 different form. Pls help me. The code i think is way too simple example: (Result.text = result) (Text1.text = number from form2)(Text2,text = Number from form3). the code i think is like this and this one is not working:

Visual Basic Source Code Examples

Public Sub Command1_Clicked()
Result.text = Val(Text1.Text) + Val(Text2.text)
End Sub

Visual Basic Sample Code For Addition &

Pls help me... i cant sleep because of this problem.


Now go to bed!